Wearing multiple hats (ad agency exec, cause marketing consultant, soccer dad) I was honored to guest speak at the national conference of a youth and sports non-profit last week, the U.S. Youth Soccer Association. Here’s the synopsis provided to conference attendees:
Going from Org to Brand
How to articulate and activate
What does your organization really stand for? Do you struggle getting your message out? This session will look at creating a memorable brand and packaging your assets to deliver a consistent message, to both your membership and potential sponsors. Powell has worked with premier nonprofit and corporate brands such as Lance Armstrong Foundation, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Meals on Wheels, Nokia, Dr Pepper, Harrah’s Entertainment, and Pizza Hut. As an advocate of ideas with business and social impact, he is a leading cause marketing consultant and commentator.
Some of my key talking points were that shifting from org to brand means knowing not just who you are but what you’re really about. And how that can help grow your current membership and your prospective partners. It’s tapping into the power of branding to set you up and apart. It’s creating movements through moments. It’s articulating and activating as a brand in way that does more than convey or communicate, it compels.